Of first saludarte and darte thanks to participate in this one Web. During long time I have thought that what for was mine, who I was the creator. After the years, there am descubirto that “my art” is completed when somebody sees it.
I have been a few years already painting and making compatible this with studies and different works. I have had times of almost everything, time at which almost I have even resigned to my art.
From after the summer of 2006 I am trying to lead back the outlines of my brush. I make compatible time to my labor life with that yearning that is returning to reflotar by expresame and enjoys my “I” creating. At the present time I am going to make a exhibition in "Colegio de Abogado de Granada" (date still to determine) and presentandome to different aid. Recently I have been selected by the Fivars Gallery in its aid of painters noveles.
Co-I have illustrated a titled book “Histories of other” writing by D. Jesus Montoya Juárez and with ISBN: 84-8144-328-X. The Presentation in Spain of Libro will become the 4 of May of 2007, making in same a exhibition of some of my works.
I take leave pidiendote a favor: if something of which I create generates in you some restlessness, feeling or another thing, it shares with the others through the critics in this platform. If you prefer to do it escribeme in a personal view an electronic mail. “Artist of the Daily thing” writes in the subject.
Fco. Javier Alonso Guardia
Artist and Graphical Designer
Phone: 654 96 61 52
Mail: javialonso@creacionesgr.com